An Investigator's Story: A Search for Freedom

An Investigator's Story:
A Search for Freedom

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By John Nardizzi,

Pictured from left to right: Don Juan Moses, John Nardizzi, James Watson. James Watson was exonerated in 2020 after being wrongfully imprisoned for four decades.

Pictured from left to right: Don Juan Moses, John Nardizzi, James Watson. James Watson was exonerated in 2020 after being wrongfully imprisoned for four decades.

My name is John Nardizzi and I’m an investigator. Investigating wrongful convictions with the New England Innocence Project is the most meaningful work I do. Our task is clear: Free an innocent person from prison. Yet, the entire legal system is built to keep innocent people in and to maintain and enforce these wrongs. The sense of injustice can be simply overpowering.

I was surprised to learn that the majority of criminal cases have no DNA to test. Many more cases, instead, require investigators like me to take on the more challenging work of demonstrating innocence through other evidence — interviewing new witnesses, finding missing or “lost” evidence, and proving police misconduct or that a witness lied at trial.

With your support, I am able to follow every lead, sometimes engaging 20 or more witnesses for just one case. Most witnesses talk. Some don't. But it only takes one to say, “I’ve been waiting 25 years to talk with someone like you about this” to break a case wide open. Hearing that gives an indescribable thrill. That’s when I know that one day our client may walk free.

Last year, we were able to provide essential investigative work that played a critical role in freeing people, including James Watson, who was exonerated in 2020 after being wrongfully imprisoned for four decades. Supporters like you made this possible.

Sad to say, there are many more people like Mr. Watson in prison in need of help. That's why, even during a global pandemic, my work could not stop. Right now, I am working on over a dozen wrongful conviction cases with the New England Innocence Project. Together, these innocent people have already spent over 200 years in prison for crimes they did not commit. Your support allows us to do the difficult investigative work that can make all of the difference for innocent people and their families.

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matched (2X) until June 30, 2021 (up to $50,000).

This is grassroots work taking place right in your backyard — helping the most vulnerable people in your community. Will you consider giving a matching gift today?

Annual Impact Report
June 2020 - June 2021

Click below for an interactive PDF of our Annual Impact Report and learn more about
memorable moments and ways we have been making an impact over the last 12 months.