Interrogation Bill Reintroduced in an Effort to Fight Wrongful Convictions

An Act Preventing False Confessions would make Massachusetts a
national leader in banning deceptive tactics during interrogations

Contact your representatives and senators and ask them to co-sponsor these important bills,
An Act Preventing False Confessions (H1847 / S1136) 

March 9, 2025 | The Boston Globe: In Massachusetts, detectives are allowed to lie in interrogations. A new bill seeks to change that.
Supporters of the bill said deceptive practices remain prevalent in police interrogation rooms across the state. Today, 40 states have no laws restricting deception in interrogations, and those that do typically apply the ban to questioning of juvenile or mentally ill defendants — making the proposed universal ban in Massachusetts a new frontier in reform.”

Boston, MA – Feb. 4, 2025 – Today, Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D-Middlesex) and Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D-Middlesex) announced the introduction of legislation that would prohibit law enforcement officials from using deceptive tactics during interrogations, which have been known to coerce false confessions or unreliable incriminating statements. An Act Preventing False Confessions (H1847 / S1136)  would also require officers to record custodial interrogations, a recommendation handed down by the Supreme Judicial Court in 2004 in Commonwealth v. DiGiambattista, and something many jurisdictions already implement. If passed, Massachusetts would become a leader in banning and preventing law enforcement from knowingly or recklessly lying to obtain confessions from both juveniles and adults.

Massachusetts is among 40 states where there are no laws preventing police from using deceptive tactics during questioning, such as falsely claiming that physical evidence points to someone’s guilt. These psychological tactics can intimidate individuals into making false confessions, often leading to wrongful convictions. Since 1989, false confessions have resulted in more than 400 wrongful convictions across the country. 

“Massachusetts has an opportunity to be a national leader in ending deceptive interrogation tactics  – a practice that undermines the integrity of our criminal legal system,” said Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian. “An Act Preventing False Confessions would be a vital step forward in safeguarding the rights of individuals in Massachusetts and preventing wrongful convictions before more innocent people lose their liberty and real perpetrators continue to pose a danger in our communities.”

Deceptive tactics result in significant financial and public safety collateral consequences in Massachusetts.  Over 90 innocent men and women have spent a combined total of over 1,273 years in prison for a crime they did not commit. Correcting wrongful convictions have already cost taxpayers millions of dollars in civil settlements and state compensation awards. Additionally, they create a false sense of security while an innocent individual endures the consequences of unjust incarceration.

“Innocent people, particularly vulnerable ones like youth, people with disabilities, and English language learners, are too often subjected to psychologically coercive techniques during law enforcement interrogations,” said Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen. “By prohibiting deception and requiring the recording of interrogations, Massachusetts can improve transparency, accuracy, and consistency in our criminal legal system. This would not only protect those at risk of being coerced into false confessions, but also strengthen public safety.”

In 1982, at the age of 24, Victor Rosario was wrongly convicted in Massachusetts of arson and the murders of eight people based on a false confession obtained through coercive tactics, including false information, threats, and prolonged interrogation. He spent 32 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, until his conviction was vacated in 2014 after an investigation revealed unreliable forensic evidence and coercive police tactics and misconduct. In May 2023, Rosario won a $13 million settlement, one of the largest wrongful conviction awards in the history of the Commonwealth.

“Wrongful imprisonment impacts individuals, families, and communities, often for generations,” said Radha Natarajan, Executive Director of the New England Innocence Project. “Deceptive tactics used during police interrogations are one of the leading causes of false confessions and, ultimately, wrongful convictions. Recording interrogations is necessary to uncover these deceptive tactics and false confessions. With H1847 / S1136, Massachusetts has an opportunity to be a leader in preventing wrongful convictions and safeguarding the rights of Bay Staters.”


The New England Innocence Project is an independent social justice non-profit that frees innocent people from prison, supports individuals and families impacted by long-term incarceration, and fights to end the systemic harms of the criminal legal system in the six New England states. By providing free forensic testing, investigation, experts, and an experienced legal team, we can exonerate the innocent and bring them home to their loved ones. Through the Exoneree Network, we provide comprehensive support — from housing and seasonal stipends to mental health care and job training — so our community can heal and rebuild in freedom. We also use our expertise about wrongful convictions to educate and advocate for reforms to prevent future tragedies and support community-based solutions for public safety. Visit for more information.